Sport is a wonderful thing. It is a way to bring people together whether they play individually, or as part of a team while becoming healthier. It can satisfy the competitiveness in those who partake of all ages, who look to improve their skills so that they can compete against their opponents and come out on top. Winning is a wonderful feeling, as is making friends along the way.
Volleyball is one such sport which offers the opportunity to play as part of a team, which is popular among women as it allows them to perform at the highest levels, with the very best in each country hoping to take their place in the national women’s volleyball team which offers the opportunity of travel while competing against other nations and to play in top-level competitions which include the Olympic Games every four years.
The sport attracts large crowds to one of the events, while millions cheer on their nation on TV. The Volleyball Nations League, which awards points which go towards world rankings and qualification for the Olympics. It currently comprises of 16 countries, where volleyball is one of the most participated sports, often taught from early ages in schools. The beauty of playing volleyball is that it is not expensive, and a large area isn’t required. While the very best play in indoor arenas, those playing recreationally and trying to emulate their heroes can do so at the most basic and inexpensive facility.
Once on court, volleyball offers so much to those who play. It encourages fitness and increases general wellness as each game is guaranteed to burn off the calories, as players move around at great speed trying to keep the ball fired by their opponents off the floor. The rules are quite simple which means anyone can get to grips with what is required very quickly without any silly infringements for offside and the likes, and there is no physical engagement which means less chance of confrontation, which offers peace of mind to parents sending their young girls out to play.
It’s fun and enjoyment all the way, trying to learn new techniques as part of a team of 6 who are on the court at any one time. They have 3 on each of the front and back rows, whose job it is to try and stop the ball sent over the net by their opponents from touching the floor and sending it back within three touches from different members of the team. The final one is a shot which should be as difficult for the opponents to return. It is quick-fire action and lots of fun. Muscles are strengthened both during a game and by those who decide to train to reach the highest levels, hopefully to represent their country and play internationally, where Brazil are currently the number-ranked women’s team.
Playing for your national women’s volleyball team is the highest accolade, playing the fast and exciting sport trying to become the world’s best.